
Here’s A List Of What Chores Are Appropriate For Children Of Any Age

Kids always beg for a family pet, promising they’ll take care of it, but of course, the parents always wind up being the ones to clean up after it. Have your elementary-aged child begin chipping in by making sure your pet’s bowl is full.

As children get older and reach ages eight to ten, teach them how to vacuum, dust, and do dishes. You can also show them the ropes of doing laundry–how much detergent to put in and which clothing items can’t mix.

When they hit their tweens, take the chores outside the home, too. They can rake leaves, organize tools, and help clean the gutters.

Maybe even let them babysit their younger siblings or relatives for short increments of time until they get the hang of it. Leave them alone for thirty minutes at first, then start slowly extending the time you’ll be gone.

Just remember that every child matures at a different pace, so this list isn’t set in stone!

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