
She Invited Her Friend And Her Friend’s Kids To Come Live With Her, But Since They Aren’t Respecting Her Food Allergies, She’s Thinking It Might Be Time To Ask Them To Leave

H_Ko - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you’ve lived with a nut allergy, you know how serious it can be. Severe food allergies are no laughing matter, and it’s common sense that if you live with someone who has one, you shouldn’t be bringing anything they’re allergic to into your home. 

One woman just got out of a traumatic marriage where her husband didn’t respect her food allergies. Now, she lives with a friend and her children, who are doing the same exact thing.

She is allergic to coconuts, peanuts, and two kinds of tree nuts. Her nut allergies are so severe that she could end up in the hospital from coming into contact with them, and she feels terribly sick.

For two years, she was married and had kids with a man who didn’t respect her allergies, and she frequently ended up in the hospital. It was very traumatic, and she finally divorced him. 

She has a friend who is a mother of two and a recent divorcee. Her friend needed a place to stay, so she thought it would be a good idea if they lived together.

Although she didn’t have much room, she invited her friend and her children to live with her in her house. They’ve all been living together for the last eight months.

“She is more than aware of the allergy and what happened in the marriage,” she said.

Despite that, there have been a few instances where her friend and her kids brought nuts or food with nuts into her house, and she’s gotten sick.

She thought they were trying to do better and be more diligent about not buying things with nuts in them anymore, but she was wrong. 

H_Ko – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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