
She’s Pretty Much Panicking After Her Boss Saw Her Job Acceptance Letter Before She Told Them She’s Quitting

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

If you’ve ever left a job you had a great experience with for a new job with better opportunities, you know how painful it can be to let your employer know you’re moving on. 

Some prefer to be very careful with quitting a job or sending in a two-week notice so as not to burn bridges. 

One woman is panicking after accidentally revealing a job acceptance email to her current employer before she could notify them that she is quitting. 

She recently accepted a new job offer after working as a designer for the same company for a while. 

“It was a difficult decision because I enjoy my current job, and I love my co-workers, but the new position is a better fit with the kind of work I want to be doing,” she explained. 

She received an email about her acceptance from a recruiter with a subject line that said ‘Job Offer.’

She hasn’t signed a contract for the new job yet, so she hasn’t told her employer that she’d be leaving, and she’s dreading it.

“We are a small company, I’m in a close-knit team of only 4 people; all of us are good at our jobs, and we are quite busy,” she said.

“My leaving will be unexpected and not great for the team, and I do feel bad about it.”

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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