
Are You Friends With A Female Narcissist? Here Are Some Dead Giveaways

So, if she views you as more beautiful, successful, intelligent, confident, or popular than her, then the female narcissist will go to extreme lengths just to make sure that all of the attention is always on her. And if you ever have the spotlight, she will feel enraged.

This could happen in instances when you are celebrating an accomplishment or even just when another person shows more interest in you. The female narcissist will break into those conversations and do her best to refocus all of the attention on herself.


Female narcissists don’t just tend to go after people who are already in committed relationships. But they also have a tendency to try and sabotage the romantic relationships of their female friends.

This urge might manifest as attempts to seduce your partner or ensure your partner’s focus on her. And whether or not the female narcissist succeeds at drawing your partner away from you, she is getting a thrill from the pursuit.

It is the idea that she could potentially “win” over and steal your attention that pleases and excites the female narcissist.

In the process, the female narcissist also has no problem hurting her own intimate partner– showing no empathy for any other parties involved.

Rumor Mills

Finally, female narcissists will often create false rumors about you and others to gossip about in conversation. And this act has a two-fold effect.

At the moment of gossip, she is able to tear you or others down in order to position herself for more praise and attention. And afterward, the false rumors tend to gain a life of their own– pitting people against each other long after she walks away.

This means that the rumors the female narcissist let loose in the world do her work for her. Her friends or coworkers are busy tearing each other down; meanwhile, she is able to swoop in and climb the social or corporate ladder while others’ reputations are tarnished.

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