
Her Dream Modeling Print Worth $3,500 Was Ruined By A Framing Company, And She Isn’t Sure How To Proceed Without Causing An Employee To Lose Their Job

vickyrandom - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In 2014, this woman got the opportunity to model for an internationally famous artist and photographer.

Apparently, the artist does not pay models since he only accepts volunteers. However, if a model volunteers and is accepted, then the model receives the first print of his work. Plus, the copy is signed by him, and the first copy prints typically sell for a minimum of $3,500.

“I had been dying to do it for years,” she recalled. “And it took me about two years of emailing him and begging for a chance to volunteer before I got a viewing.”

But, after completing the modeling gig, she never once opened her first copy print. Instead, she kept the art piece in its original protected packaging since the artist had told her to bring the print to a professional framing company to ensure the art was safe and framed correctly.

That’s why she brought the special container with her as she traveled throughout four U.S. states and, later, overseas to South Africa– where she and her husband bought their first home.

And this year, she finally decided that she was ready to have the piece of art framed.

“I’ve been waiting nine years to have it done. It’s me in it, and it’s the first one printed, signed by the artist, one of the pieces he showed on his TV show,” she gushed.

“Honestly, it was something I’ve been dying to open and see and have framed for almost a decade.”

So, she wound up researching framers and decided to go to the best company– which also happened to be the most expensive.

vickyrandom – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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