
She Doesn’t Want To Invite Her Fiancé’s Stepsister’s Kids To Their Wedding But Isn’t Sure If That Would Be Wrong Since Other Children Will Be There

Of course, her stepsister will make sure that the kids don’t wander off too far. Still, aside from that, the children are basically free to do whatever they want. She claimed that this doesn’t just occur in certain environments, either, but also happens in crowded spaces– like restaurants.

Now, it is important to note that both she and her fiancé have nothing against children. In fact, they both want to have kids in the future, and they already plan to invite a few other kids– who are toddlers and young children– to their wedding.

However, they know all of those kids personally and know those kids are well-behaved in public settings. As for her fiancé’s nephew, they are nervous about inviting him to attend as well.

Apparently, her wedding ceremony will be held outdoors. But, the reception with primarily be inside– meaning guests will only have access to limited outdoor space. And even though her fiancé’s stepsister’s kids will have some room to run around outside, she thinks they will still probably disturb her guests and won’t have sufficient space inside the reception.

“I am also worried that the two of them playing and being rambunctious will encourage the other children to join in and cause distraction and potential chaos to both the ceremony and reception,” she explained.

So, she has been left wondering whether asking her fiancé’s stepsister to find childcare arrangements– and risking his stepsister not coming to the wedding– would make her a jerk or not.

Can you understand why she is hesitant to invite her fiancé’s nephew? At the same time, is it fair to invite some children but not others? Could she have a conversation with her fiancé’s stepsister regarding behavioral expectations on her wedding day? How else could she handle this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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