
She’s Not Allowing Her Nephew To Intern For Her Because Of How He Acted At A Wedding As A Child

fifeflyingfife - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

12 years ago, this woman was just 18-years-old, and her cousin was getting married. Back then, her mom and dad were not in town, so she and her 20-year-old brother went to the wedding together.

Her half-brother Ned, his wife, and her 8-year-old nephew Jack also were at the wedding with them.

The wedding was extremely lavish, and there were more than 100 guests in attendance. It basically was one enormous party, and she ended up sitting at a table of 16 people, which included her immediate family.

She wasn’t really that close with Ned’s wife, and she had basically no connection with Jack because he was super spoiled.

As she got up to get food, Ned’s wife asked if she could get them a salad, and she obliged, bringing a plate back for them along with her own food.

“As I stood there extending the salad plate toward her, Ned told Jack, who was seated between him and his wife, that he needed to eat some vegetables,” she explained.

“Jack screamed and threw the salad in my face, followed by tossing his glass of orange juice at me. I was so stunned I couldn’t do anything.”

“Everyone was looking at me, and I was just so humiliated. My brother guided me to the bathroom so I could wash my face. He asked me what I wanted to do, and I said I wanted to go home, so we did. The day after, my cousin called to ask if I was OK, and Ned’s mom had someone pass me some money, claiming to be for the ruined dress. Ned and his wife didn’t contact me at all.”

Her parents arrived home from out of town later on, and when they found out about what Jack had done, they were livid.

fifeflyingfife – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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