
He Wants To Secretly Ask His Mom To Give Him Money For A New Place To Live Because His Wife Is Completely Against This

.shock - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

It’s really difficult when you get to a point in your adult life where you think you need to borrow money from your parents.

It’s an uncomfortable conversation to have, and while some parents are quick to help you out, others will make sure you feel super guilty.

One man has been going back and forth with his wife after she told him he shouldn’t ask his parents to loan them money for a new place to live.

He and his wife live in a very expensive city in Canada. They’ve spent the last three to four years trying to save up to buy an apartment.

However, the market has been giving them a lot of difficulty and has continued going up each year to the point where they try to catch up but still can’t afford anything.

They’ve also looked into purchasing a house located in a different city that might be a little cheaper. But since the pandemic, that market also hasn’t been in their favor, and every place they look at costs the maximum amount of money they’d be able to spend. 

“These are the only two places my wife is willing to live,” he said.

“I’ve presented all manner of other small towns and medium-sized cities, and she is absolutely not interested.”

When they first started looking into a new place to live, he suggested that he and his wife ask their parents for money.

.shock – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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