
Her Best Friend Got Revenge On Her Boyfriend After She Got Cheated On, And This Is How She Handled It

Michal Ludwiczak - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Finding out that your partner has been unfaithful is devastating. Everyone has got their own unique methods for dealing with a broken heart. Some people like to sulk in bed with a pint of ice cream, while others choose to plot out ways to retaliate.

TikToker Pia Blossom (@piablossom_x) is explaining how her best friend exacted revenge on her now ex-boyfriend when she found out he had been cheating on her.

So recently, Pia’s friend discovered that her boyfriend had been cheating on her after she traveled two hours by train to visit him.

He had been going through his phone, looking for some music to put on, when he accidentally swiped up, revealing a steamy photo that should not have been on his phone.

Pia’s friend instantly walked away and pretended she hadn’t seen it. That night, she went through his phone while he was sleeping, found a bunch more of the steamy photos, and set one of them as his lock screen.

Then, she just went back to sleep. When he woke up in the morning and spotted the picture on his phone, he freaked out and changed his lock screen back.

He wasn’t sure how that had happened but didn’t want to bring it up to his girlfriend since she was acting totally normal and still making him breakfast. She kept up the act for several days.

“And so begins a week of psychological warfare. She literally pretended everything was fine with him every day. And every night reset a different [photo] as his wallpaper to see if he’d finally come forward and admit it,” said Pia.

He was in agony the entire time. At one point, he even threw up because he was having panic attacks over not knowing if his girlfriend was aware of his infidelity.

Michal Ludwiczak – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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