
She Has A Doppelganger Living In The Same City As Her, And She’s Talking About All The Times People Have Mistaken Her For Her Look-Alike

luchschenF - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

With billions of people living on the planet, it isn’t a shocker that someone might look similar to you.  But it can be incredibly startling to come across someone who is essentially like your clone, and they share the same features and mannerisms as you.

That phenomenon is called a doppelganger, which is a double of a living person. It is said that seeing your doppelganger is an omen of bad luck.

TikToker Mikeyla (@icki_miki) has a doppelganger, and she’s talking about all the times people have mistaken her for her look-alike.

A couple of months ago, she went to Sephora for the first time. When she walked in, an employee at the front of the store greeted her as if they had met before, asking about her boyfriend and her life.

Of course, Mikeyla clarified that they had never met before. She brushed off the mix-up, thinking these types of things happen on occasion.

But then, a few weeks later, another incident occurred. Her boyfriend at the time went out with his friends to Seattle while Mikeyla stayed at their home in Tacoma.

While he was out, he called Mikeyla, asking her if she had also gone out. Mikeyla told him she hadn’t left their house and was just sitting on the couch.

He then proceeded to tell her that he had seen a girl who looked just like her. And here’s where it gets even freakier.

The girl was wearing the exact same outfit Mikeyla had on that day. They were both wearing brown and white checkered bell-bottom pants. They also had identical haircuts and hair colors.

Later, when Mikeyla went into a grocery store located near her house, she was mistaken for her doppelganger again.

The city they live in isn’t very big, so it’s natural that people have seen the both of them out and about. However, Mikeyla and her doppelganger have yet to cross paths with each other.

luchschenF – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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