
He Was So Sad That Nobody Showed Up To His Cousin’s Birthday Party, So He Took Him Out To An Arcade, But His Aunt Yelled At Him For Doing This

James Thew - - illustrative purposes only

This 16-year-old guy recently had plans to hang out with Alex, a friend of his that is also 16. They were set to meet at 2:00 p.m., while his 7-year-old cousin’s birthday party was scheduled from 12:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Earlier that day, he spent his time helping his aunt out with setting up for his cousin’s birthday party.

“But honestly, the best part was spending time with my adorable little cousin. We were both super hyped up for his party,” he explained.

Unfortunately, as the day went on and the scheduled party time came around, none of the young boy’s friends showed up to the party.

They waited there for an hour, with everything set up and ready to go, but were extremely disappointed with the fact that nobody was showing up.

“Seeing him overwhelmed with negative emotions made me sad. I didn’t want this day to be ruined for him, so I took matters into my own hands and called up Alex and asked if we could go to the arcade earlier and bring my cousin along,” he said.

He asked permission from his mother, and she allowed it and told him that she would let his aunt be aware of the plan.

The boys ended up having a super fun time at the arcade, and his cousin was definitely in a better mood.

He was happy that he had made his little cousin’s day a bit brighter and had turned the feelings of disappointment and sadness into happiness and excitement.

James Thew – – illustrative purposes only

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