
Her Boyfriend Keeps Going On Vacations With A Group Of Girls And Excluding Her, But He Thinks She’s Just Acting “Spoiled” By Being Uncomfortable

darkfreya - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old woman has been with her boyfriend, who is 33, for four years. And her boyfriend’s father is extremely wealthy– which, in turn, makes her boyfriend’s entire family very privileged and financially well-off.

Her boyfriend’s father also holds patriarchal views of the world, causing her boyfriend– the only son in his family– to be given “free range” of his dad’s finances.

At the same time, her boyfriend’s mother and his seven younger sisters were entirely excluded from the funds.

“Surprisingly, he’s well aware of this dynamic and doesn’t care because ‘it worked well’ for his family,” she revealed.

Still, she admitted to seeing a lot of potential in her boyfriend. She also knows that, deep down, he is a great person who has the ability to do a lot of good.

Regardless, she believes that her boyfriend has been brainwashed by the toxic views held by his father. And those ingrained perspectives are not easy to wash away.

Following the death of her boyfriend’s father just last year, however, she noticed that her boyfriend had actually made a lot of progress. To her, that was also another reason why she wanted to stay with him.

“Though, I must admit, all of this motivation is on the verge of being shattered recently,” she said.

Due to her boyfriend’s wealth, he tends to get a ton of attention from other women– especially because he likes to flash his status.

darkfreya – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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