
Her Dad Expects Her To Keep Paying Rent Every Month, Even Though She’s Moving Out of Their House And Going To College

pavelvozmischev - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old girl currently pays rent money to her parents each month while she is living in their house with them, which she’s totally fine with.

However, this year, she is going to be attending a new college where she will be living on campus full-time.

This will be her first time truly living on her own, and although she is excited to move, she’s learning that it might end up being more difficult than she initially thought.

Recently, she realized that her father is expecting her to continue paying the rent every month, even after moving out.

While she is fine with offering to contribute the $20-$30 it would cost her to remain on their family phone plan, she doesn’t really understand why she would continue to pay rent when she would no longer be living there.

Additionally, her parents are either not in the position to or have chosen not to cover her tuition costs, so she knows that that is not really a factor in this decision.

“My parents aren’t paying for my college; I’m using all financial aid. The only things they paid for are my school supplies and books since they always said they want to help with those things if I’m in school,” she explained.

Even though she’s appreciative of their help, she’s still unsure of what to do in this situation.

“My rent is supposed to help pay for food and the bills I contribute to while living with them. When I get to campus, I will not be partaking in any of that with them,” she said.

pavelvozmischev – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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