
Her Dad Told Her She Had To Break Up With Her Boyfriend, So She Ended Up Screaming At Him, And Then He Kicked Her Out

Anatoliy Karlyuk - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Sometimes, being the youngest sibling in your family can feel pretty cruddy. Although some people say it’s the youngest children in the family who always get the most attention or are the most spoiled, that isn’t always the case.

One young woman recently had an outburst with her dad after getting fed up with being treated like a kid just because she’s the youngest girl in her family.

She’s 18-years-old and has four older sisters in their early to mid-20s. Her dad is 49 and has been raising her and her sisters on his own since their mom died when she was 4. 

Although she doesn’t have any major issues with her dad’s parenting, she has had issues with how she’s been treated by her sisters.

Since she’s the youngest, she still gets treated like a baby. Her sisters are very protective of her, and she feels like she can’t do things a normal teenager would do.

For instance, three years ago, she was told she couldn’t go to a birthday party because there would be boys there. Her sisters made that decision, not her dad. 

“I’ve always had to share my things, and even now, I’m so bad at standing up for myself,” she explained.

“I was always compared to my ‘perfect’ sisters, and even now, my family still tells me about what they were doing at my age that was so amazing. It really annoys me the older I get. I can’t be my own person.”

While she loves her sisters, things have become even more intense as she’s left home and gone to college.

Anatoliy Karlyuk – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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