
Her Daughter Announced That She Is Pregnant Again And Will Likely Drop Out Of College For The Second Time, So She Told Her Daughter To Get Her Act Together

ID 152704149 © Marian Vejcik |

This woman has two daughters. Her youngest, Bethany, is 24-years-old and reportedly has her life together. Bethany also recently landed a new, great job.

On the other hand, her eldest 24-year-old daughter Abby does not have it together. She detailed how Abby dropped out of college at just 19 before becoming pregnant.

Then, the father of Abby’s child sadly left, and Abby never went after the father for child support– even though she urged her daughter to do so.

So, ever since her eldest started trying to get back on track, she has been a massive part of Abby’s life.

By the time Abby turned 23, they both decided that her daughter needed to head back to school. After all, Abby was unable to support herself and the baby while working as a waiter.

“The whole time, I was the free babysitter, basically raising the kid,” she recalled.

But, with just one year left of college, she claimed that Abby messed up again. All of a sudden, her daughter got pregnant with a second baby and will likely drop out of school for a second time.

After Abby told her the news, she couldn’t believe her ears, either. Instead, she actually asked if her daughter was joking.

Abby just got defensive, though, and acted clueless about her negative response.

ID 152704149 – © Marian Vejcik –

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