
Her Daughter Was Banned From Her School’s 8th Grade Dance Because She Missed Class Due To A Medical Condition

hreniuca - - illustrative purposes only

A child who grows up in and out of hospitals, going through painful and exhausting medical treatments, and taking harsh medications has a tough enough time as it is.

To be banned from attending a fun event like a school dance is unfair to them and really shows the true colors of the people in charge.

TikTok user and mother Yesenia L. (@justicefight4pwcspedkids) shares a recorded phone call of her discussing with school administrators why her disabled daughter was not allowed to attend a school dance.

Like most schools, Yesenia’s daughter’s school has a rule that if you miss a certain amount of class time, then you won’t be able to attend after-school activities, such as the 8th-grade graduation dance that was being discussed.

Because Yesenia’s daughter was feeling sick and wanted to attend an IEP (Individualized Education Program) meeting, she missed some time in school.

Even though the IEP meeting was considered to be a school-related meeting, the administrators explained that because she was not present in the school for over half the day, Yesenia’s daughter would be forbidden to attend the graduation dance.

In the phone call, Yesenia tries to fight and stand up for her daughter, explaining how she has a medical condition that often leaves her feeling too unwell to attend school.

Even the chemo medications that she takes often make her feel sick in the morning, but she is usually feeling better by the afternoon. As a mother, she is furious that these school administrators have zero empathy for her child with disabilities.

“It’s not like she missed because she wanted to miss,” she tried to explain.

hreniuca – – illustrative purposes only

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