Her Family Booked A Last-Minute Vacation To Bali And Didn’t Include Her, So Now She Has To Spend Her Birthday Alone

Sokirlov - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Sokirlov - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This girl is turning 23 soon, and while she was trying to plan a vacation with her family, the plans got changed repeatedly, and she was left feeling hurt and alone.

It all began when her family decided to book a last-minute trip to Bali, and while she was a little bummed about having to change her birthday plans, she was excited to go on vacation.

Being the oldest daughter, she is typically the one who plans out the details of trips, so she went right ahead and started getting everything sorted out, changing bookings that her mother and sister had done in a rush.

For example, the original hotel was said to have mold, so she spent some time sending her father alternative places to stay. However, her family kept reminding her how difficult it was to find a place that would accommodate a family of five, and they would likely have to book an additional room just for her.

So, in an attempt to be amenable and understanding, she told her father that she was okay with staying home under three circumstances– if it was too much more expensive, the place they chose wouldn’t allow five people, or if the trip would end up conflicting with her already scheduled birthday party.

“I made it very clear that I didn’t want to sit out and that for only [those] three reasons would I be okay being left behind,” she explained.

The following day, she called her family, and they were all excited about the perfect trip that they had planned, but she wouldn’t be included. She was a bit disappointed but figured it was just because it was going to be too difficult if she had joined. So, she asked what had happened, and their response shocked her!

“I was bummed as it meant I’d be alone on my birthday but assumed that being so late notice, it must’ve been impossible to include me. I asked them what the struggle was, and it was revealed they didn’t even try to add me,” she said.

To try and make things right, she called up the hotel that they had booked to see if there was a way an additional person could stay. She found out that there was a sofa bed in one of the available rooms that would be convenient for her to use.

Sokirlov – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

However, when she told her dad, he claimed that booking the original room was already too stressful for him and that updating the reservation would be too much of a hassle. Plus, her mother was against having three kids share a room.

Naturally, she is now super angry with her family for their lack of effort in trying to include her on this trip. She consistently has planned trips and celebrations for them in the past and feels neglected that they are doing this to her on her birthday especially.

“I feel betrayed that they’d willingly leave me alone on my birthday at such short notice and ditch our plans. I’m angry that they didn’t even try and that even when I patiently found a solution, they didn’t have any motivation to include me,” she vented.

Do you think she is overreacting, or do you think she has a right to be angry at her family after they did this to her?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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