
Her Fiancé Chose To Spend Her “Golden Weekend” Attending A Different Girl’s Birthday Party Rather Than Seeing Her, And Now She’s Considering Calling Off The Wedding

JackF - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 29-year-old woman currently works in medicine, and in her field, having a weekend where you get both Saturday and Sunday off from work is known as a “golden weekend.”

“These golden weekends are few and far between,” she said.

She also has a 26-year-old fiancé, who she has been with for nearly four years. But they are currently in a long-distance relationship, and the different time zones make touching base pretty tricky.

It just so happens that her fiancé works in the healthcare industry, too, but typically has a different schedule split. While he tends to work a normal 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and always has weekends off, she works 32-hour shifts followed by one eight-hour shift.

Due to her extreme schedule, her free time is always incredibly limited. So, she and her fiancé have only gotten to spend time together once throughout the entire month of June since her fiancé just went out on all of the other weekends.

However, this weekend was supposed to be different. She and her fiancé had finally gotten a chance to spend some time together, and she was super excited.

Well, that was until her fiancé chose to go to another girl’s birthday instead– driving a whole 12 hours total to attend the event.

“I’ve told him work was difficult, and I’m feeling quite worn down and have expressed my need for his support right now,” she explained.

“He still chose to go.”

JackF – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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