Her Mom Yelled At Her That She’s A Bad Mom For Not Allowing Her To Meet Her Newborn Daughter

ID 184026414 - © Tatyana Vychegzhanina - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual baby
ID 184026414 - © Tatyana Vychegzhanina - Dreamstime.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual baby

A 28-year-old woman recently gave birth to a baby girl and is excited about being a new mother. However, she is having trouble creating boundaries between her mother and her family.

Her 51-year-old mother has a history of being verbally abusive towards her and her brothers and sisters and often cannot control her anger, even over the littlest of things.

So, ever since the baby was born, she has been worried about introducing her new daughter to her mother.

“I don’t want my daughter to be exposed to that kind of behavior,” she explained.

However, her mother was being very adamant about seeing the baby and was pressuring her to let her come over for a visit.

Her mother vows to behave around the new baby, desperately wanting to be in her granddaughter’s life.

Before she even had time to consider her options, her mother showed up at her house with no warning and demanded to see the granddaughter.

She told her mother that she did not feel comfortable with the idea of her holding the baby, which caused her mother to react angrily, and she instantly began to raise her voice.

“She called me a terrible mother and said that I was keeping my granddaughter away from her,” she said.

ID 184026414 – © Tatyana Vychegzhanina – Dreamstime.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual baby

At that point, she lost her temper and told her mother that she did not want her daughter to be anywhere near her, again being worried about being around the type of angry behavior that her mother was known for.

After this incident, her mother started going around to other family members and badmouthing her, saying that she was being unreasonable in not letting her be around the baby.

“I know that my daughter deserves to have a relationship with her grandmother, but I can’t bring myself to let her be around such a toxic person,” she continues.

Do you think that she is right in setting this boundary, or is she being unreasonable like her mother said? Does her mother have the automatic right to meet the baby, or should she be respectful of her choices?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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