
On What Was Supposed To Be A Fun Date Night With Her Boyfriend, She Couldn’t Help But look Around At Other Couples And Feel Sadness In Her Heart, Because She And Her Boyfriend Are Like Two Strangers

Igor Kardasov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 26-year-old woman has been dating her 36-year-old boyfriend for about eight months now. She’s a fan of how nice he is, likes how he treats her, and appreciates how interested he is in her. However, lately, she has been wondering if she is truly happy with him.

They recently went to a comedy show together, and during what was supposed to be a fun date night, she couldn’t help looking around at the other couples there and feeling sadness in her heart.

“They were laughing together, being affectionate toward one another, smiling, and [they] just looked genuinely happy. It gave me this pit in my stomach knowing that we were sitting like two strangers hardly interacting with one another,” she explained.

While he was away in the restroom during the show, she realized that she was laughing a lot more and enjoying herself a lot better alone than she had been with him by her side. After the show, she felt so upset by her feelings during the night and had a gut feeling that she should end the relationship as soon as possible, but she was unsure how to.

This night at the comedy show was not the only time she had felt this way, either. There have been numerous occasions where their differences in personalities and opinions made her question whether they should be together.

He is not a fan of drinking, which on its own is totally fine. But the weird remarks and comments he’s made towards her when she thinks about ordering one at dinner have caused her to only order a drink when she’s out with her friends.

Also, one of her favorite things to do is to go on hikes, and he doesn’t like to at all. Instead of letting her enjoy her hobby, whenever she goes on a hike, he is sure to remind her how he thinks they are boring.

Another difference in interests is her and her family’s love for musicals and his strong dislike for them. He thinks that they are stupid and has made remarks about how he thinks it’s strange that her father enjoys them.

Her boyfriend also has a super sweet yellow lab, but she’s not sure if the dog is even a fan of her boyfriend.

“He blames the dog, but I’ve observed the way they interact, and I think he’s just not a dog person,” she added.

Igor Kardasov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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