She Finally Told Her Mother-In-Law The Real Reason Why She Got Divorced, And It’s Because She Discovered That Her Husband Kissed Her Sister

T.Den_Team  - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
T.Den_Team - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When people get divorced, having to part ways or grow distant from their ex-partner’s family can be really sad. 

One woman still had a lot of love for her mother-in-law after divorcing her husband. But when she told her mother-in-law the real reason why she divorced her son, drama ensued. 

She’s 29 and was married to her 31-year-old ex-husband for a year. They met through mutual friends, and she instantly fell for him. Coincidentally, he had a fling with her younger sister before they met. However, that didn’t bother her. 

“I never had a big problem with this,” she said.

“They always acted just friendly around me, but now I see that I was being too innocent.”

One of the more positive parts about being married to her ex-husband was his mom. Her mother-in-law was always very sweet and loved her and her sister.

Her mother-in-law would always say they were like the daughters she never had and would often spend time with them. It was great, especially because her mom was never a fan of her ex and didn’t trust him after his fling with her younger sister.

As it turned out, her mom was right to be distrusting. A few months ago, she filed for divorce from her husband after her mom saw him and her sister kissing after he drove her home from a party. 

“To say that I was sad is an understatement,” she explained.

T.Den_Team – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“I was heartbroken. I couldn’t look at his face or my sister’s. I didn’t [tell] my mother-in-law why we separated because I thought that this was his responsibility.”

However, not long after asking for a divorce, her mother-in-law started texting her, saying she was concerned about how she was doing and missed her. Then, she found out that her mother-in-law asked her mom what had happened and why she and her ex were divorcing.

That’s when her mom told her if she didn’t tell her mother-in-law the truth, she’d do it for her. So, she visited her mother-in-law and told her why she left her son, exposing him and her sister.

After breaking the news, she started receiving texts from her ex’s family and friends, telling her she shouldn’t have said anything to her mother-in-law, who is now devastated. Apparently, her mother-in-law hates her sister and has been crying a lot.

“As much as I feel bad for her, I can’t say that I didn’t feel like I dropped a heavy weight and I can finally breathe,” she added.

Should she not have told her mother-in-law the truth, or did she need to know?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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