
She Found Out Her Boyfriend Had An Emotional Affair With His Coworker, And She Isn’t Sure How To Rebuild Her Trust

ID 217070683 - © Nenitorx -

When this 29-year-old woman was previously married, she was cheated on.

“My ex-husband went on dating apps and found himself a girlfriend and lied and lied and lied about it until he could not lie anymore,” she recalled.

It was all of the lies and manipulation surrounding the affair that ultimately caused the end of her marriage.

While she was afraid of her ex-husband for a while, though, she eventually moved on and entered a new relationship.

She started dating her current boyfriend, who is 31, about two years ago, and they have lived together for one year.

But, as of about two weeks ago, it started to seem like patterns were repeating themselves.

Unfortunately, she found out that her boyfriend had been engaged in an emotional affair with his coworker.

She made the realization after stumbling upon some text messages from the other woman on her boyfriend’s phone.

However, she was only able to read a few messages between the pair before her boyfriend deleted their entire conversations.

ID 217070683 – © Nenitorx –

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