
She Upset Her Parents When Her Stepmom Overheard Her Saying She’d Be Relieved If Her Stepsister Went To Jail

Valerii Honcharuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Growing up, did you ever have a family member or friend that went through a rebellious phase and almost took things too far sometimes?

One teenager recently upset her parents when her stepmother overheard her say she’d be relieved if her stepsister went to jail.

She’s 17 and lives with her dad, stepmother Leah, and 18-year-old stepsister Sarah. Her dad and Leah have been married for 10 years, and they’ve lived together since she was five.

Unfortunately, she and Sarah haven’t had the best relationship, as Sarah started going through some changes as they got older.

“Around the time we were 12, Sarah started getting in trouble at school,” she explained.

“It was small stuff at first, but then it became constant, and she started getting in trouble outside of school as well.”

Her dad and Leah often excused Sarah’s behavior, saying she was just going through a phase and trying to fit in with other kids. 

However, Sarah only continued to get worse. It got to a point where her parents had to lock up their car keys because Sarah was constantly stealing them to drive around without a license, sometimes under the influence. By the time Sarah was 15, she was “out of control.”

Sarah has been arrested several times but never spent more than a few hours in jail because of her parents bailing her out.

Valerii Honcharuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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