
She Went On A Date With A Guy Who Forgot To Tell Her That He Already Had A Long-Term Girlfriend

Iona - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever found out something about someone you went on a date with after the fact, and you felt deceived by them?

TikTok creator Emma (@emmafituk_) shares one of her dating stories that was unfortunately not a new scenario to her.

Emma had a guy who was in her DMs a lot, sending flirtatious messages and reacting to her posts on her story. The guy eventually asked her out for coffee, and Emma agreed to the date.

The date was pretty nice, simple, and laid back. The pair grabbed coffee and went on a little walk together. At one point during the date, the guy starts to show Emma some pictures that he had on his phone.

You may think that this is a good sign and proves that he’s not hiding anything, but unfortunately, that was not the case.

Emma saw a picture on his phone of him and another girl together. Emma instantly wondered who that girl might be. Maybe a relative, a friend, or even a recent ex.

When she got home, Emma started to stalk her date on Instagram in search of answers about who this mystery girl may be. She was shocked to find out the truth.

“It turns out the guy has a long-term girlfriend. He’s been with her for like 2 years,” Emma says.

Not long after, Emma was working at a coffee shop and literally saw the guy that she went on a date with walking past her with his girlfriend. This basically confirmed what she already found out from his Instagram.

Iona – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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