
After Her Roommate Locked Her Mom Out Of Their Place, She Got An Emergency Eviction, And Since Then, Her Roommate Has Been Sleeping In Her Car Because She Has Nowhere To Go

LUGOSTOCK - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 32-year-old woman decided to start subletting the second room in her apartment to a friend of a friend, a 29-year-old named Joy.

And things did get off to a rocky start initially, with both of the women having a lot of people over consistently.

But, ever since setting some ground rules, things seemed to be going better for the past eight months. They limited themselves to having visitors two days per week.

Recently, she also had to have a major emergency surgery done and had to spend 10 days in the hospital.

After this procedure, she had a really difficult time taking care of herself and had to have her family members come over to assist her.

Essentials like eating and going to the bathroom were virtually impossible without the help of her mother and her boyfriend.

During this time, her mom came over regularly, and her boyfriend stayed with her nearly every night.

After about a week of this, her roommate Joy was not having it. Joy would come into her bedroom while she was trying to rest and start complaining about how she was constantly having people over.

“I did feel bad when she brought it up because I hadn’t considered her, so I apologized for it being stressful and that we’d be back to normal as soon as I could manage it,” she explained.

LUGOSTOCK – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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