
She’s Beginning To Think Her Husband Has Been Lying About How Awful His Ex-Wife Is Because She Recently Got To Meet Her And She Was Nothing Like What He Said

2mmedia - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 33-year-old woman and her 34-year-old husband dated for 10 months before getting married, and they both had children from previous relationships.

Her husband also always made his 34-year-old ex-wife sound like a bad person. But, after meeting his ex for the first time, she wondered if he was being honest.

When describing his ex, he mentioned that she was continuously unkind to their three children, especially the oldest daughter. Apparently, his ex only wanted to have boys, so she always favored their two sons over their daughter.

“I felt so bad for him and his children and tried to give them all the love I thought they deserved,” she explained.

She has been really happy with the way her husband has treated her kids, too, just as if they were his own.

And now that she’s pregnant with their first child together, she has been looking forward to this next chapter and their future together as a family.

But recently, she met the infamous ex-wife for the first time and was very shocked by how normal and cordial the woman seemed toward her and all of the children.

Since they only see her once a year, her sons seemed excited, and they all shared kisses and hugs like a typical healthy parent-child relationship would. However, when the ex-wife tried to talk to her 8-year-old daughter, she ignored her completely.

Even though the daughter’s reaction to her mother fit the story, she was confused by how different the ex-wife acted from what she was expecting.

2mmedia – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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