
He’s Starting To Feel That His Unemployed Girlfriend Is Taking Advantage Of Him

ClaudiK - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When you’re close with or in a relationship with someone who is going through a hard time financially or doesn’t have a job, it can be hard to set a firm boundary with how much you assist them.

One man is starting to feel taken advantage of by his girlfriend, who’s an unemployed student.

He and his girlfriend are both 25-years-old and have been dating for a few months.

He makes a decent salary at his full-time job and has his own place, while his girlfriend is still a student, lives with her parents, and is unemployed.

“Initially, I considered her education as a good reason for her unemployment,” he said.

“However, considering her very relaxed schedule, online classes, and frequent absences, she might as well be doing nothing at all. This is her third university, as she dropped out twice. She is currently looking for work, although I doubt the effort is truly there.”

Since the beginning of their relationship, he’s been paying for everything regarding his girlfriend. They often eat out, and he pays for all of their meals together, pays for their drinks when they go out, pays for food deliveries, and even lets her stay at his apartment. 

Now that his girlfriend has been hanging around his place a lot more, he’s been frustrated with her lack of effort to find a job or even help him around the house. His girlfriend is often still asleep when he leaves for work and doesn’t do much during the day.

“My thought process is that if she is spending most of her time at my house, with everything paid for by me, the least she could do is tidy up the place, maybe take the dog for a walk, run some errands, or even better, apply for jobs!” he explained.

ClaudiK – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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