
She’s Convinced She Dated A Psychopath When She Found Out After Breaking Up With Her Boyfriend That He Spent Months Building Up A Fake Persona He Knew She’d Like

“I was giving him a month to fix his behavior. The final straw was him not caring about my grandma’s death, then getting mad at me for being upset. I dumped him a week later.”

After dumping him, her ex-boyfriend showed up at her house unexpectedly to demand back a hoodie he had given her. She didn’t know where it was because her mom had cleaned up around the house. Her dad eventually had to intervene and tell him they couldn’t find the hoodie.

Her ex-boyfriend continued to act out. He would get angry at her for not answering his text messages, spread rumors about her being a cheater who treated him poorly, and started body-shaming her.

Then, she learned something about her ex that shocked her. She found out that the summer before they met, he knew he wanted to date her, so he spent months building up a fake persona he knew she’d like. He spoke to their mutual friends to find out what she was into and put on a facade so she’d be into him.

She got really freaked out when a mutual friend remembered her ex telling them he didn’t feel empathy for anyone. That convinced her that something was seriously wrong with this guy, and she couldn’t believe she had been with him for seven months. 

Did you ever have an ex-partner who behaved like this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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