
His Sister-In-Law Never RSVP’d For His Daughter’s 16th Birthday Party But Showed Up Anyway, So She And Her Kids Were Escorted Out By Security

sanneberg - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Just last week, this man’s daughter turned 16. And he and his wife decided to throw her a nice birthday party and go “all out.”

So, they decided to book a private tour of a venue that his daughter had wanted to go to for a while. Then, they also booked a private room to have a catered dinner.

He was hoping the whole celebration would go smoothly, too, but apparently, his sister-in-law threw a major wrench in everyone’s plans.

For context, his wife and her sister simply do not get along. Sure, they are able to maintain a casual relationship just for the sake of family get-togethers. But he claimed that’s really it.

“It doesn’t help that my experiences with my sister-in-law have been incredibly dramatic. She’s quick to play the victim and gaslight,” he added.

However, his sister-in-law’s two daughters just so happen to be best friends with his daughter. That’s why it was necessary for his sister-in-law and his two nieces to be invited to the birthday shindig.

When it comes to coordinating any plans with his sister-in-law, though, it is essentially impossible. He claimed that his sister-in-law is never on time and sometimes shows up hours late. One time, she was even one whole day late.

On top of that, his sister-in-law will not let anyone know if they are planning to show up or not.

“The thing I hate the most is that she will just text you randomly after an event started, saying they decided not to come or show up when they said they couldn’t make it,” he explained.

sanneberg – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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