
She’s Hosting A BBQ To Celebrate Her Mom’s Retirement, And Her Sister Expects Her To Go Out And Buy Fast Food To Serve Her Picky Nephew

Gorodenkoff - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 22-year-old woman has a 26-year-old sister and an 8-month-old nephew named Louie. Louie is a very picky eater, and she thinks that her parents are to blame for this because of the consistent fast food that they feed him. She is now in a predicament that she needs others’ opinions on.

To celebrate her mother’s retirement, she is planning to host a BBQ dinner party at her house. Naturally, her sister, brother-in-law, and young nephew are invited to the family together. However, she has received an interesting request from her sister regarding the food.

Her sister tells her that there is no way that Louie will eat the food that is provided at the barbeque and asks her if, in addition to cooking, she can also pick up fast food for him to eat. She is a bit taken aback by this message!

“As a passionate cook, I try and work around her request and say that I will make a delicious beef wellington for him since he loved it when I made it for him once or something, but she insists that he will only eat [fast food] and it would be a waste of time to try to get him to eat anything else,” she explained.

Every time she visits their house, she only ever sees Louie eating chicken nuggets, fries, and other items that you would typically find in a fast food place.

Worried about her nephew, she has tried to talk to her sister about his eating habits and mentions how eating like this so consistently is not a healthy choice for him. However, her sister doesn’t want to hear it.

“She constantly reminds me not to meddle in her affairs as a parent,” she said.

Her sister has made this request an ultimatum. If she does not get fast food for him to have at the BBQ party, then her sister, her brother-in-law, nor Louie will attend.

She thinks this is pretty ridiculous, especially considering her mother’s feelings will probably be hurt if they aren’t there.

Gorodenkoff – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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