
She’s Sharing Her Best Tips To Keep Your Makeup Looking Gen-Z And Up-To-Date

New Africa - illustrative purposes only

Makeup trends often come and go (and sometimes come back again), and if you’ve been a makeup lover for a long time, then you know how easy it can be to slip back into old habits when getting ready.

There are surely days that your makeup accidentally looks like you time traveled back to 2016, with a heavy contour and a matte lip!

TikTok creator Rachel OCool (@rachelocoolmua) shares her best tips for keeping your makeup looking up-to-date and “Gen-Z-ified.”

Rachel explains that while product placement used to focus a lot on the side of the face, now it’s trendy to emphasize the center. So, rather than contouring out your cheekbones to the max, add a blush to the bridge of your nose and inner cheeks.

This draws the eye to the center of your face and can give a natural and youthful look. You can even add some faux freckles on your nose as an extra attention grabber.

If you were doing your makeup in 2016, you know how important it was to make your brows look on “fleek,” which often resulted in them looking super dark and bold.

These days, natural brows are all the rage, and Rachel recommends using a bit of a tinted brow gel to help with shape and color. This way, they aren’t the focal point of the face, but they are still maintained.

Another tip Rachel shares is to refrain from putting any dark shadow or liner in the inner corner of your eye and use white and shimmer shades to highlight the area. Brightening up this area makes your eyes look more illuminated and makes you seem more awake than perhaps you actually are!

“And I don’t know if anyone has told you this yet, but we do not have to suffer with dry [backside] lips anymore!” Rachel exclaims.

New Africa – illustrative purposes only

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