
The Guy She Was Dating Booked Them A Trip To Barcelona, But Then She Didn’t Hear From Him And It Turned Out That He Got Arrested

kanuman - - illustrative purposes only

Can you imagine how it must feel to plan a vacation with someone just to have them vanish into thin air the night before you’re supposed to board a plane together?

I suppose when that happens, you go through a rollercoaster of emotions, such as disappointment, confusion, and possibly even anger.

Then, there’s the speculation. Maybe they just got cold feet and aren’t ready for such a big step in the relationship. Or perhaps, you did something to upset them.

But before you start blaming yourself, consider that there might be a perfectly reasonable explanation for their failure to show up that has absolutely nothing to do with you.

TikToker Poppy Bayliss (@poppyannbayliss) is discussing how the guy she had been talking to bailed on their trip, only to find out later that he had been arrested.

So she had met this guy at a club, and since then, they had gone on quite a few dates. Then, he suggested that they take a trip together.

Poppy agreed, so he booked them a trip to Barcelona. He booked their flights at the last minute and told her to pack her bags immediately because they were leaving the next day.

She was excited because they had planned to stay at a nice hotel. And besides, who doesn’t love a good vacation?

He said that he would call her to give her the details of their flight information later. But right now, he had something he needed to take care of.

kanuman – – illustrative purposes only

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