
She Refused To Move From Her Seat In First Class So A Mom And Daughter Could Sit Next To One Another On A Plane, And Now She’s Not Sure If She Was Rude To Say No

BullRun - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman and her 29-year-old boyfriend are very financially stable. In fact, they make a combined income of $300,000. So, they like to splurge on first-class tickets whenever they have to fly somewhere.

Recently, they planned a trip to visit one of her friends in Hawaii, and they booked themselves seats in first class. Unfortunately, something came up at his work, and her boyfriend was unable to join her on this trip. Regardless, she still wanted to go see her friend, so she decided to go on her own.

“I guess since we still had the ticket, the airline didn’t re-book it. So I had both my seat and my boyfriend’s empty seat next to me,” she explained.

After she and the rest of the first-class passengers were seated, she began tending to some work-related business on her phone. But as the other passengers started boarding the plane, she was interrupted by a flight attendant and a mother and a daughter.

The flight attendant then asked her if she wouldn’t mind giving up her seat and the extra seat so that the mother and daughter could sit together. She was pretty thrown off by this question and immediately felt the pressure.

“To be honest, I didn’t want to. We paid for those seats, I was looking forward to having both a window and an aisle seat, and I didn’t want to move,” she said.

In the end, she told the mother and daughter no, which led to the child crying. And this made her feel even worse, so she attempted to apologize and then went back to her phone.

But, the flight attendant seemed cold and annoyed with her for the remainder of the flight. That’s why she messaged her boyfriend about the situation, hoping for some backup, but he told her that she should have just moved.

“This led to an argument because we mostly get first-class flights because of me, and he doesn’t want me to sit next to a strange dude or anything,” she added.

BullRun – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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