A Creepy Guy Followed Her Around A Store, And After He Finally Left, The Girls Who Worked There Said He Was There Several Times That Day Following Women Around

Kittiphan - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Kittiphan - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Many of us enjoy shopping just to peruse the stores, even when we don’t need to (and maybe shouldn’t) buy anything in particular.

A couple of years ago, on a Saturday, this woman was at Pier 1. She liked to go there just to look around on weekends.

While shopping, she made her way over to check out the curtains.

“All of a sudden, before I even consciously noticed him there, every alarm bell in my head started going off, and the hair on my arms stood up. I looked to my left, and there was a guy uncomfortably close, also ‘looking’ at curtains. He made some random remark about the curtains, but I don’t remember what it was as every instinct in my body compelled me to get away from him as soon as possible,” she explained.

She listened to her gut and walked away to a different part of the store. However, the man kept following her everywhere, and he always managed to end up standing right next to her, invading her space.

“There was zero chance I was going to leave the store at this point and give him the opportunity to follow me out, so I just kept quickly moving away from him. Every time he’d try to engage me in conversation, I’d just completely ignore him and quickly move,” she said.

When that didn’t work, she decided to go stand near the cash registers until he walked out of the store.

“As soon as he left, one of the female employees said to another female employee, ‘That guy finally left.’ I asked her, ‘Do you mean the guy who just walked out the door?’ She said, ‘Yeah, he’s been in and out of here a couple of times today following women around and generally creeping everyone out,'” she continued.

She told the employees that the man had just been following her around the store and wouldn’t leave her alone. Then, the employees said that just before the man left the store, they’d been planning to call the police since everyone in the store was so freaked out by his behavior.

Kittiphan – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This was the first time that she had ever had an experience like this, and she said that she instinctively knew that she immediately had to get away from him the moment she saw him.

After talking with the employees, she stayed in the store for a bit to make sure the man had really left the store for good.

What would you have done if you were in her shoes?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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