
A Guy Drove 2 Hours To Pick Her Up For A Date, But Then He Made Her Come Back To His Place, Which Was In His Parents’ Basement, And She Was Forced To Sleep Over

ID 26770406 - © Zhudifeng - - illustrative purposes only

If you’re looking for a reason not to give up on dating, you probably shouldn’t read this story. But if you simply want to be entertained, feast your eyes on this bad date experience. TikToker Lola Olson (@lola_olson) is talking about the worst first date she’s ever been on in her life.

In 2019, she was in a toxic situationship with a guy. After he had broken her heart yet again, she was ready to move on from him. So, she went on Tinder to find someone to go on a date with and decided to settle for the first semi-attractive guy she came across.

The guy told her he would pick her up and plan everything. They lived a two-hour drive away from each other. When he arrived, she realized he was about the same height as her, and he wasn’t her type at all.

But since he had driven two hours, she felt bad about rejecting him. So, instead, she climbed into his beat-up car, and they proceeded with the date.

While they were driving, she asked what he had planned for them. To her horror, he replied that they would swing by his place. So, after an awkward two-hour car ride, they finally reached what she thought was his house. However, he was actually living in his parents’ basement.

As they walked into his bedroom, she saw it was filled with Star Wars paraphernalia. Immediately upon entering the room, he sat down, grabbed his guitar, and started serenading her with a love song.

Lola’s biggest ick is when a guy sings to her, so he definitely wasn’t winning her over anytime soon. When the song was finished, he asked if she wanted to hear another one.

Again, she inquired if he had planned something for them to do, and he told her they could just hang out in his room. He also had invited some friends to come over later.

Lola didn’t think she could be any less attracted to this guy. But then, he took off his shirt, revealing multiple Star Wars tattoos that covered his entire body from head to toe. It was more apparent than ever now that they were not a good match.

ID 26770406 – © Zhudifeng – – illustrative purposes only

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