
He Decided To Stop Seeing A Woman After She Mentioned She Was Going On Another Date With A Guy Right After Their Date

WavebreakMediaMicro - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 28-year-old guy recently met a 26-year-old woman on a dating app, and after they got to talking, they both agreed to grab some drinks as their first date.

Apparently, she asked him to meet up at 6:30 p.m., which he thought was a bit early, but he was fine with it.

“I know people have to work or maybe aren’t big drinkers,” he said.

Still, he thought the date went well, and he realized that they both had a lot in common. They had similar upbringings as children, and they even had some mutual friends from college. So, while chatting with her, he thought he would be open to going on a second date.

But then, at about 7:45 p.m., the woman randomly was in a rush and claimed she needed to leave. She also revealed that she had to get to another date, which was supposed to start at 8:00 p.m.

She told him about the other first date very nonchalantly, too, before saying that she would also love to see him again. Afterward, she just paid her tab and left.

“I think this is really weird,” he admitted.

“It sends the message she wasn’t really committed to getting to know me and giving our date a fair chance if I’m just an appointment between two other dates or whatever.”

So, the situation left a bad taste in his mouth, and a few days after their date, he texted her – saying that he just didn’t think things were going to work out between them.

WavebreakMediaMicro – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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