Autumn Will Soon Be In The Air: Here’s How To Get Your Garden Ready For Fall

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but with summer coming to a close, fall is on the horizon. Soon enough, the leaves outside will start to change color, our days will begin getting shorter, and a brisk chill will fill the air.
For many people, the upcoming season is a time to sit back, relax, and enjoy cozy sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes. But, for those with green thumbs, the change of seasons means it’s game time, and you have to get your garden ready for the cooler months ahead.
Whether you’re a gardening veteran or just getting started, here are a few tips that can help you get your greens ready for the fall.
It’s Clean-Up Time
It won’t be long before your yard is littered with dead plants, fallen leaves, or withered blooms. Once you spot the signs, it’ll be time to clean things up a bit.
By removing dead and decaying plants, you can prevent diseases from spreading in your garden. Plus, it doesn’t hurt that your efforts will make your garden look neat and tidy.
While you’re at it, you can give your tools a good wash down, too. They’ve been working hard all summer.
Mulch, Mulch, And More Mulch
During the colder months, mulch can be a gardener’s best friend. It provides critical insulation for the soil, retains moisture, and even helps prevent weeds.

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That’s why you should lay down a solid two to three-inch layer of mulch over your garden beds. This will keep things cozy all fall and winter long.
When It Comes To Pruning, Less Is More
While it might be tempting to go prune-crazy after summer’s end, fall is actually a time to be more conservative with those clippers.
Prune only what’s necessary, like dead or diseased branches. If you over-prune, you can just cause unnecessary stress to your plants as they prepare to head into the colder months.
Water Wisely
While the weather might start to cool down, your plants will still need water. Be sure to check your soil regularly and only water as needed.
A good soaking less frequently is often better than frequent, shallow watering. And don’t forget to drain those hoses before the first frost!
Protect The Perennials
For those plants that stick around year after year, fall is the time to show them some love. Consider adding extra mulch or a protective cover if the winter forecast looks particularly harsh. Next spring, they’ll thank you by offering some beautiful blooms.
Plant Some Fall Favorites
Just because summer is ending doesn’t mean that the gardening fun has to stop. In fact, fall is a great time to plant some of your cool-weather favorites.
Pansies, kale, and ornamental cabbage are stellar choices since these beauties thrive in cooler weather. Plus, they will add a nice splash of color to your garden.
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