Tips For Making Plus-Ones Feel Welcome And Included At Your Wedding

ID 71620638 - © Volodymyr Ivash - -  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
ID 71620638 - © Volodymyr Ivash - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

One of the biggest reliefs when planning your big day is finally sending out wedding invitations. You’ve nailed down a venue, hired a caterer, and can now enjoy the build-up to saying, “I do.”

But, while it’s crucial to consider guests during your wedding planning process, you should also keep their plus-ones in mind. These significant others or friends who are accompanying your guests likely mean a lot to them, and you want to help plus-ones feel included.

Making sure plus-ones feel welcome and taken care of can add a special touch to your big day, making it feel extremely thoughtful. Here’s how to do just that.

How To Make Plus-Ones Feel Included

When it comes to seating arrangements, your chart isn’t just for placing families together. It’s also about creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable.

So, to help plus-ones feel more welcome, you can consider placing them near people they know. Or, if you know that a plus-one isn’t acquainted with anyone else who will be at your wedding, you can always seat them within friendly groups where it will be easy to spark up a conversation.

Communicating with plus-ones in advance of your wedding can also help them feel particularly cared for. If possible, you can reach out to guests to gather the names of plus-ones and determine if they have any dietary preferences, allergies, or other questions about the event.

Personalizing their experience, even in small ways, shows thoughtfulness and consideration.

It’s also crucial to remember that being a plus-one at a wedding can be intimidating. After all, weddings are typically very intimate affairs, and walking into one without knowing any other attendees is sometimes frightening.

ID 71620638 – © Volodymyr Ivash – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

So, whether your big day will have dancing, games, or photo sessions, try to make sure that your activities are welcoming for everyone– not just your core group of friends and family.

A simple invitation to join in on the dance floor or smile for a picture snapped by your photographer can make all the difference.

In a similar vein, it can be helpful to introduce plus-ones to other guests to get conversations flowing. This might not be feasible as the bride, but you can always encourage your bridal party to act as social butterflies who break the ice and make those introductions.

Above all else, it’s most important to create a welcoming atmosphere that feels safe and enjoyable for everyone– from your parents to plus-ones.

Whether you choose warm and thoughtful decor or a diverse music playlist, these little things can really change the vibe of an atmosphere. And when people feel at ease, they will undoubtedly have more fun and make your wedding an evening to remember.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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