He Wants To Kick His Younger Sister Out Because She’s Refusing To Pitch In With Bills And Has Been Treating His Girlfriend Like A Butler

PhotoBook - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
PhotoBook - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 23-year-old guy has been letting his little sister, who is 21, stay at his and his girlfriend’s apartment– because, apparently, his sister has either been turned down or kicked out of everywhere else she’s lived.

He claims that now, he also completely understands why.

“She has always been extremely spoiled for almost her whole life,” he said.

“Between my two older brothers and me, she was the favorite. And now, most of my family doesn’t like her at all.”

So, he has since stepped in to help out his sister. But ever since he allowed her to stay with him, he thinks that his sister has taken complete advantage of him.

It all began when she moved in with him and his girlfriend about seven months ago. The first month reportedly went fine. However, things only went downhill from there.

All of a sudden, he noticed there were dirty dishes piling up in the sink, and his sister was staying up extremely late. She also began eating a lot more food and taking extremely long showers.

“It wasn’t too bad at first, and I could hand it,” he recalled.

“But eventually, I decided it was time she started pitching into the bills and chores around the house.”

PhotoBook – stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

That’s why, about two or three weeks later, he and his girlfriend sat down to have a discussion with his sister.

They flat-out told his sister that she needed to start paying some bills around the house– because, while they could handle the extra financial toll in the beginning, they couldn’t anymore.

Despite pointing out how his sister’s behavior got out of hand, though, she refused to help. In fact, his sister claimed that since she was the “guest,” she shouldn’t have to pay.

“I’m family; you should be glad I’m here and just deal with it,” his sister added.

Regardless, he and his girlfriend simply can’t afford to do that. Since his sister moved in, their bills have increased between $200 and $400, and it’s nearly impossible to make ends meet without additional help.

He kept asking his sister to start contributing, too, but she just kept turning him down. More recently, she even had the nerve to bring up getting a dog against his wishes, and that was his final straw.

“Especially when she expected us to buy it food and take it on walks or pet trips,” he revealed.

So, about three weeks ago, he finally had enough and wanted his sister out of his apartment. He confronted her and straight-up told her that she either needed to get a job and begin paying her own bills or she needed to move out.

Well, rather than understanding his perspective, his sister just freaked out on him. She claimed that he “couldn’t do this” to her and tried to use the “we are family” excuse.

His sister also kept accusing him of being a jerk for “springing” the bills on her without any notice. But he had been trying to get his sister to take financial responsibility for a month, and every single time, she just ignored him.

Anyway, his sister is still refusing to get a job and has actually begun bossing his girlfriend around as if she were a butler.

Not to mention, his sister has been taking many of his girlfriend’s expensive hair and skin care products and throwing tantrums when they refuse to buy his sister groceries or other items.

“I honestly don’t know what to do,” he vented, “But I’m done being walked over.”

So now, he’s wondering whether kicking his sister out as a last resort would be justified or just make him a jerk.

Didn’t he give his sister many warnings about needing to pitch in? Is it reasonable for him to expect her to pay bills and handle some chores if she’s living there? Would you also be fed up with this situation? Should he kick her out?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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