Her Fiancé And Son Have Been Spending More Alone Time Together, But Her Sister’s Angry They’re Not Including Her Niece

pressmaster - stock.adobe.com-  illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
pressmaster - stock.adobe.com- illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This woman and her sister currently share an apartment, and they are both single parents.

But she recently got engaged and will be tying the knot with her fiancé in the fall. Afterward, they plan to move in together.

That’s why her fiancé has started taking her son out to do fun activities together so they can bond.

Her niece, though, has become pretty jealous of the one-on-one outings. The jealousy even pushed her sister to ask if her fiancé could take her niece when he hung out with her son.

But she thinks it’s super important for her fiancé and son to spend as much alone time together before the wedding as possible. After all, she wants them to feel comfortable with each other before they all move in together.

“I don’t think she should expect to go out with them during their bonding time,” she admitted.

“Once we move in together, there will be a lot of times where they are on their own, so I want to make sure they are comfortable with each other and get along well by themselves.”

However, her sister views the situation differently and claims it is unfair. She also got accused of “taunting” her niece by “dangling” these fun outings in front of the little girl’s face.

Still, she pointed out how it’s not like her fiancé or her son are bragging about their hangouts. The most they ever talk about activities is when they’re answering her niece’s questions about where they’re going or what they’re up to.

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Then, her niece tends to ask– on the spot– if she can tag long.

“And my fiancé will gracefully decline, explaining how he needs some bonding time with my son, but it will still make her sad,” she said.

Anyway, her sister thinks they’re using bonding as a bologna excuse and believes that her fiancé should want to get to know her niece, too.

Yet, she doesn’t feel the same way and doesn’t think it’s that important for her fiancé to spend time with her niece right now– even though they will all be becoming family.

“After we move out, my sister and my niece are going to be moving back in with our parents,” she reasoned.

“They live several hours away, so we probably won’t see each other nearly as often, and it will probably always be in a group setting.”

Regardless, her sister still thinks that’s even more reason for her fiancé to get to know her niece now– since there won’t be many opportunities in the future.

So, she’s since been left wondering whether not making her fiancé and son include her niece in their bonding activities is actually the wrong thing to do.

Can you understand why she wants her fiancé and son to spend alone time together? Did her sister have a right to butt in? How do you suggest she handles this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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