
He Was Supposed To Go On A Pizza Date, But The Girl He Invited Out Got Mad At Him For Saying He Would Be A Few Minutes Late And For Not Confirming Their Plans Earlier, So She Didn’t Show Up

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

5Dating in your 40s is a whole different ballpark compared to dating in your 20s. When you’re dating in your 20s, there’s less pressure and more fun involved. But dating in your 40s is often more complex, and your perspective is sure to have shifted since your 20s.

TikToker @conky76 is talking about what the dating scene is like for individuals over 40-years-old, and according to him, it’s looking bleak out there.

So he got a woman’s number and waited a few days before texting her. When he did text her, she was happy to hear from him, and they made plans to go out for pizza on Friday night at 7:30.

During the week, he did not text her on Wednesday or Thursday. When Friday rolled around, he texted her, wishing her a good morning. In response, she reacted to the text message with a heart, so in his eyes, everything seemed to be going well.

Later, as he headed to the restaurant for their date, he found himself running a bit behind. So he informed her that he would be five to ten minutes late and that she could grab some outdoor seating if she arrived before him.

She was upset that he was going to be late and insisted on rescheduling. She also was displeased about the fact that he did not confirm their plans with her that morning or text her at all throughout the week. He responded with a briefly worded message: “I do what I say.”

Since then, he has not heard back from her. But he did enjoy the pizza and had a great time on his solo outing! Now, he’s asking TikTok if he was in the wrong.

The majority of TikTok users said that he should’ve confirmed their plans the morning of their date, while a few didn’t think he was at fault in any way.

“If someone makes plans with me and I don’t hear from them all week and they don’t say anything day of…I would assume it was off TBH,” commented one user.

LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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