
Her Boyfriend Finally Came Clean About Being Rich And Lying To Her Face About Struggling Financially Throughout Their Entire Relationship

Viorel Kurnosov - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This woman had been happily dating her boyfriend for one year. He was, as she knew him, a humble financial assistant who worked hard at a small accounting firm.

Her boyfriend often complained about the meager salary he took home, hinting at the idea of going back to school to upgrade his skills to become an accountant.

She admired his determination, especially considering he feared he might not be able to afford further education.

He lived in a decent apartment that her boyfriend claimed was a family favor from his grandparents– who rented it to him for a cheap rate.

Her boyfriend often said that if it wasn’t for this living arrangement, then he wouldn’t be able to afford a roof over his head without a gaggle of roommates.

“He asked to borrow money from me a few times and sometimes asked me to pay for him when we went out, too,” she added.

Still, their relationship was all well and good. But then, their one-year anniversary rolled around, and her boyfriend’s mask fell off.

Instead of a bouquet of flowers or a sentimental gift, what she got was a confession. Turns out, her supposedly struggling boyfriend was actually quite well-off.

Born into a wealthy family, he held a master’s degree and was the financial head honcho at a successful company owned by a family friend.

Viorel Kurnosov – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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