
Her Fiancé Touched Her Food The Other Night While They Were Out To Dinner, So She Got Mad, Took His Plate, And Said She Should Get To Eat His Meal Instead

zukamilov - - illustrative purposes only

Do you get extremely grossed out when other people touch or pick up your food?

It’s not an unreasonable thing to get upset about, as these days, we have to be super conscious of germs. Still, some people get angry when someone fusses about touching food.

One woman’s fiancé’s hand touched her food the other night while they were out at dinner, so she took his plate and said she should eat his dinner instead.

She’s 26-years-old, and her boyfriend is 32. He’s blind, and for some reason, they’ve always had difficulty eating out at restaurants together. Whenever they do, her fiancé always wants her to order the same thing as him.

“If we’re having dinner out and I order [something] else, he’d instantly get upset and accuse me of treating him as less than when I just have different taste in foods,” she explained.

“I’d just eat what he eats to keep the peace, but since he clearly doesn’t trust me, he’d randomly touch my plate to see if I’m having the same dish.”

This behavior from her fiancé has caused some major frustration, and as a result, they’ve gotten into some arguments because of it.

A few nights ago, they went out to dinner the other night, and she ordered the same thing as him. But when the food came out, her fiancé appeared to be uncomfortable. He refused to say anything, and then, as she went to pick up her fork, he extended his arm and touched the food on her plate with his hand.

Her fiancé quickly moved his hand and began apologizing before he began to try to excuse his behavior. But it was clear to her that he was making sure they were eating the same thing again.

zukamilov – – illustrative purposes only

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