
She Told Her Ex-Friend That She’s Not Going To Let Her Move In With Her Because She Chose To Carry On An Affair With A Married Man And Got Pregnant With His Baby

opolja - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This girl had a friend named Leanne, who is now 26-years-old. This ex-friend of hers found herself in a relationship with a married man, was well aware of the marriage, and even had mutual friends with the wife, but still continued to see him.

Over a year ago, she got into a friendship-ending argument with Leanne, telling her that this relationship wasn’t a good idea, which most of their other friends agreed.

Now, Leanne has lost the majority of her friendships, continued her relationship with the married man, and got pregnant with his child.

Since then, the man completely ended his relationship with Leanne and has indicated that he does not want to be a part of his son’s life whatsoever.

There are rumors going around that the man officially moved to Dubai for good with his wife and his daughter. He has stopped giving Leanne any money, and she is going to be evicted within a matter of weeks.

She and her son, who is less than 1-month-old, now have nowhere to stay and no one to turn to.

“I’m not sure what the situation is with her family or friends, but they’ve probably refused to take her in. I’m assuming this because I would probably be her last resort for help,” she explained.

Upon Leanne asking her if she would take her and her son in, she decided to decline. She explained to Leanne how this whole situation could have easily been avoided if only she had listened to her advice last year.

She knew that this was going to happen and was frustrated that Leanne ignored her warnings. However, over the phone, another fight between them ensued.

opolja – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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