
Her Mom Didn’t Want Her To Go On Vacation Without Her Brother, Who Has ASD, But She Said That She Didn’t Care About Her Brother’s Feelings And Wished He Was Never Even Born

olgavolodina - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When this 16-year-old woman’s brother, who is now 9, was born, her parents didn’t have much time for her anymore. Then, things got even worse after her brother turned 3 and was diagnosed with Autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Since then, her mom has always been extremely busy with her brother, and her dad is barely home. So, she doesn’t feel like her parents are really there for her.

But she’s known her best friend, Rachel, ever since they were in kindergarten. She thinks that Rachel’s mom is the nicest human being she’s ever met.

She and Rachel both played soccer, for instance, but her own mom was never able to take her to any games or practices. That’s why Rachel’s mom stepped in and would always bring her.

She also used to be in her school’s choir for six years, and during that time, her own parents only went to one performance. Rachel’s mom, on the other hand, attended every performance just to be there for her– even though Rachel was not even in the choir.

“Those are just a few examples, but Rachel’s mom has always been there for me when my parents weren’t available,” she explained.

“And my mom never really cares what I’m doing unless she needs me to watch my brother, so I spend a lot of time at Rachel’s house.”

In fact, she once even spent a whole weekend at Rachel’s house, and her mom didn’t even call to find out where she was. Since Rachel’s family takes a lot of vacations, they usually bring her along, too.

So, since Rachel’s family is planning to visit Disney World over Thanksgiving break, she was invited to tag along. She was thrilled about the idea, asked her dad immediately, and he said she was allowed to go.

olgavolodina – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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