
His Wife Hates Absolutely Everybody, And It’s Beginning To Give Him The Ick

Grady R/ - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Throughout the entire time that this 28-year-old man has been with his 28-year-old wife, they have had polar opposite opinions when it comes to being social and people in general.

He absolutely adores going out and being around people, but his wife hates it all. In fact, she’s the kind of person who will find any tiny reason to hate someone.

His wife gets a thrill out of finding reasons to dislike a person, and she also maliciously overanalyzes details about people.

This all drives him crazy, and it’s something he finds upsetting. His wife hating absolutely everybody has gotten so bad that it’s beginning to give him the ick.

He’s spent a decade with his wife, and he’s tried his best to ignore her and not let her negatively impact his social life, so he flies solo a lot.

Once in a blue moon, his wife will come out with him, but she won’t have a good time. Then, when the pandemic hit, his wife’s job went remote and stayed like that permanently.

His wife hasn’t had to socialize with anyone since that all changed, and she only leaves their home to run errands or go somewhere with him.

“I think the isolation is impacting her mentally because now she is borderline nasty with me when I try to encourage her to go out with her friends or come out with mine,” he explained.

“She has two old friends who she snaps with but hasn’t actually seen in years now – they live only minutes away, though. To save myself a fight, I usually just let her be and socialize on my own. But I recently met a girl from college who I get along well with.”

Grady R/ – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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