
Her Parents Are Canceling Her Music Lessons Since They Need Her To Help Babysit Her Older Brothers With Disabilities

Pixel-Shot - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 15-year-old girl lives with her parents and her two older brothers, who are 23 and 25.

However, both of her brothers have disabilities that cause them to have the mental age of a young child, which means her brothers require the majority of her mom and dad’s attention.

There have even been times when holidays and her birthdays are forgotten because of the amount of mental energy her parents have to spend on her brothers.

Even though she understands the responsibility and hardships that her parents often have, sometimes she feels pretty neglected by them.

“For example, going to this specialized farm-like camp for people with disabilities where everything is supervised so parents and children can both relax. But there’s nothing for me to do there, so I am always bored whenever we go to such a place,” she explained.

Usually, she can handle all of these hardships because she has piano and violin lessons as her escape. She has been taking lessons in both instruments since she was a young child and absolutely loves it, so much so that she wants to have a career in music one day.

But recently, her parents told her that they were going to cancel her lessons because they needed her to watch over her brothers more often, which left her feeling sad, shocked, and confused.

“I got really upset because those lessons are basically the only thing that I felt was for me and not for my brothers, and now I’m going to lose them because my parents need a babysitter,” she said.

Even though her parents told her that they knew this wasn’t the ideal scenario, her brothers simply needed extra care. She lost her temper with her parents and told them that she also needed care and that she felt like they never considered her feelings and only thought about her brothers.

Pixel-Shot – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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