
His Daughter Took His Wife’s Side After She Had An Affair, So Now He’s Only Doing The Bare Minimum Until His Daughter Turns 18

asem arab - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 34-year-old man and his now ex-wife, 33, finalized their divorce last year after his ex had an emotional affair with a co-worker. She and the man she cheated with are officially dating now. They have a 14-year-old daughter and have a custody agreement for co-parenting.

His daughter has a close bond with his ex-wife and took her side despite the cheating that led to the divorce.

During the first several months after the divorce, he attempted to form a bond with his daughter. He bought her presents and never mentioned that the divorce was his ex’s fault. In his view, he did everything he could.

“My daughter was always extremely cold with me. After a few months, she just straight-up told me that she liked her stepdad much more than me, and he was the man my ex-wife deserved as a husband and the man she deserved as a daughter,” he said.

He had no idea what provoked his daughter to tell him this, but it was the most hurtful thing anyone had ever told him. After his daughter’s comments, he cried himself to sleep and took two days off work because he was devastated and needed time to think and process.

“I decided I wanted to emotionally and financially distance myself from my daughter and that I would do the bare minimum possible and fulfill my legal and financial obligations until she was 18,” he explained.

His parents passed away years ago, and he didn’t have any family other than his sister, who was his only support during this tough time in his life.

Several years ago, his sister’s now ex-husband had an affair, and while they didn’t have kids, his sister was so heartbroken that she expressed no desire to date because she didn’t trust men anymore.

“After I had made the decision to distance myself from my daughter, I started removing her as the primary beneficiary from all my financial accounts and my 401K and instead put my sister as the beneficiary. I started withdrawing from the college funds I had saved for my daughter,” he shared.

asem arab – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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