
His Wife Is No Longer A Stay-At-Home Mom, So He Told Her Staying Home Isn’t A Free Pass To Do Nothing And He Wants Her To Go Back To Work

Pixel-Shot - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Two years ago, this man and his wife welcomed their first child– a baby girl– into the world. At the time, they both agreed that his wife– who was a software engineer– becoming a stay-at-home mom would be worth it. After all, he was able to sustain their family on just his income anyway.

So, they went through with it. But about a year later, he realized that his wife had become pretty overwhelmed and asked how he could help her out.

His wife did claim to be fine, although that didn’t stop him from looking at childcare options in their area and pricing them out. He also spoke to friends, loved ones, and coworkers to gather recommendations and resources.

It was at that point that his boss informed him his job came with childcare benefits. He was obviously thrilled about that and immediately started the paperwork.

Once the childcare was approved by his company, he was put on a daycare waitlist. He then told his wife, and they toured the place with their daughter– who absolutely loved it.

“About four months later, a spot opened up, and our daughter is now in daycare. It is run in the same office building I work at, so it is super convenient,” he explained.

“I drop her off when I head to work and pick her up when I leave. Perfect!”

Since his daughter headed off to daycare four months ago, though, a new issue has started at home. Apparently, his wife has not been “doing anything.”

Yes, they do split the household chores evenly– which is completely fine with him. But, aside from chores, he doesn’t think his wife has done much with her day ever since their daughter went off to daycare.

Pixel-Shot – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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