
His Wife Makes Twice As Much As He Does, But She’s Grown To Resent Him For Not Helping Her Afford Her Dream Life

kiuikson - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 38-year-old guy and his 34-year-old wife have been together for 8 years now and are still very much so still in love.

Unfortunately, they constantly argue about one particular thing, and he’s terrified that this will spell the end of their marriage.

His wife is way more successful than he is, and she works in HR for a big tech company. Meanwhile, he manages a department at a grocery store.

His wife makes basically twice as much as he does too. Her salary is $125,000 annually, and he makes $65,000.

His job does demand that he work some strange hours, so he never gets Saturdays and Sundays off. His wife, on the other hand, has your regular 9-5 hours, and she actually works from home.

The problem is that his wife believes he should be making at least as much as she does since he’s older than she is.

“Because of the difference in pay and hours, she can afford to be spontaneous, and I need to plan my vacations, even if the vacation is only leaving Friday night and returning Sunday,” he explained.

“On top of that, she has to pay for the majority of the vacations (she likes fancy hotel suites, and while I could afford motels and such, she wants high-end).”

“I’ve only got an associate degree (she’s managed to get to where she is without a degree, but she does have some high-level certifications), so it’s been insanely difficult for me to find a job that pays what I am making now, but in a new career field.”

kiuikson – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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